We believe producing a film of your wedding day is the single most important investment you can make in ensuring that the emotion and energy of your day is never forgotten. It is a living, breathing testament of the experience. Since 2012, we’ve traveled the world to create wedding films that are both authentic and beautifully intimate. We love what we do, and you will too.

The Satellite Wedding Package

At Satellite Weddings we offer one package that includes everything. Simple.

Coverage: Complete (pre-ceremony, ceremony, cocktails, speeches, reception)

Shooters: 2-3

You get: 10-12 minute wedding film, artfully shot and edited, 2-3 minute single-song “trailer” of your film (great for social media sharing), separate complete ceremony and speeches edits, HD QuickTime files, raw footage supplied on USB thumb drive

Additional Services

Rehearsal Night

A memorable night in its own right, the rehearsal evening captures the anticipation and excitement of the weekend to come (not to mention those overflow speeches from friends and family!)

Coverage: Cocktails, dinner, and speeches

Shooters: 1-2

You get: Edited highlight montage of evening and speeches, separate full speeches edit

Extended Weekend

Multiple-day festivities? We’d love to be a part of it. Let us put together a package tailored to your unique event and make sure nothing is missed. All the speeches, performances, and activities captured and edited into a film that encompasses it all.